360-degree Accessibility Solution to b'inclusive.

15% of the world's population has a disability and they need accessibility to interact with software and content. 96% of the internet is not accessible for people with disabilities.
By taking your first step towards accessibility, you can expand your target audience and become compliant with accessibility laws! Take the first step by learning the results about your brand's accessibility!

Microsoft Logo
Estee Lauder Companies Logo
Young Guru Academy Logo


Binclusive products offer comprehensive accessibility solutions, ensuring your applications and contents are accessible from every people.

App Studio

Are you aiming to enhance the usability of your web or mobile application for a billion users effortlessly? Binclusive App Studio is here to help. By adhering to WCAG standards, our platform detects accessibility errors within your application, ensuring inclusivity for all users.

A Cursor Icon seems like in a fast motion
Seamless Integration

Integrate the App Studio SDK into your development process effortlessly, kickstarting your journey towards a more accessible application with minimal effort.

A Gauge Icon which shows a high value
Real-time Monitoring

With Binclusive App Studio, your application undergoes continuous analysis, detecting any accessibility issues during development. By addressing these issues before your app goes live, we guarantee uninterrupted accessibility for your users.

Content Studio

Make your brand's content understandable and accessible to everyone. Expand your target audience by adding audio descriptions for the visually impaired and subtitles for the deaf to your content.

Audio Description Icon
Audio Description

Ensure that visually impaired individuals benefit from your content by describing silent scenes with external sounds. Enable everyone to understand and enjoy your content.

Subtitle Icon

Ensure that deaf individuals don't miss out on any details by adding subtitles for conversations and environmental sounds. Reach a wider audience by making your content more accessible.

Take your First Step

Sign up now to access our waiting list and receive a basic accessibility report for your application, website or content.

Let's Start